Firm Name: Koester Legal
Areas of Practice: Personal Injury / Select Criminal Cases
State(s) of Practice: Georgia
Notable Achievements: Child molestation charges dismissed with an apology to client in North Georgia Courtroom; Rape and Kidnapping charges dismissed in Dekalb County; Six figure settlement for homeless veteran injured by homeless driver; $250,000.00 settlement for father of 3 small kids injured by driver who fell asleep (original offer was $750.00).
Phone number: (770)744-5250
Phone number: (770)744-5250
Q & A
How do you know Wagner and Lynch?
“I spent time in Wyoming with Brecken at the Trial Lawyers College.”
Why law? What motivates you?
Why law? What motivates you?
“I like being that guy that levels the playing field. I get real satisfaction in getting an insurance company to do something they don’t want to do. The same is true of fighting the government when they over reach into a client’s life.”